Given the current saturation of images in the world today, I find it hard to imagine that my photographs are entirely unique. They might not literally be the same as anything that currently exists, but in idea, spirit, or motive, someone somewhere has probably done it before. In “From Here to Eternity Beach” I attempt to tell a story that does not at all rely on my own camera or point of view. I want to present a story that is a bit more universal, and one that I can draw upon the collected images of others to tell. With ocean and beach scenes, in photographs taken over the span of many decades from countless unknown locations, I draw on a collective memory of the sea. These images come from an era where cameras were not so universal as they are today. Thus, there is a certain intentionality behind every image— the photographer wanted to capture and preserve this moment, this feeling, this place. Through these, then, I felt that I could access the feeling of the sea. I could tell the story I wanted to tell, through the eyes of people I will never know. It was a good feeling, but there was still something off about the story- a distance that I could begin to, but not entirely, close. This is the reason I have interspersed the work with the full bleed collage pages. By literally moving away from the landscape, taking advantage of one of the most zoomed-out views we can take of this earth, I create pauses and breaks. The found images are distant in terms of their placement in time, and the collages are distant in terms of view and format.
From Here to Eternity Beach
Found photographs & photo-manipulation, hand bound artist’s book